
How to order online?
Simply choose the desired product(s) and follow order process. You will be asked to enter your personal data and agree with the General Terms & Conditions. You have the possibility to create an account for your future purchases, but it is not obligatory.

Can I order by email or by phone?
Of course you can also order by e-mail or by telephone.

How to cancel an order?
You may cancel an order yourself as long as it appears in "My Cart". You cannot cancel an order after payment.

Will my personal information be protected?
Your personal data will remain strictly private and confidential; it will be used solely to enable us and our suppliers to process your order and is data protected. Data will not be disclosed to any third party without your prior written consent.


What are the payment methods?
You can pay by credit card (Visa, MasterCard), debit card Postfinance or by PostFinance E-finance. You can also pay by bank transfer; we will provide you with our bank details and the reference number (order number). The order will be confirmed upon receipt of payment.

What data should I enter?
In addition to the cardholder's name, credit card company, card number and validity, we require the credit card verification number. The verification number is a 3-digit number on the back of the credit card, which guarantees security of your online payment.

Are my bank details transmitted safely?
To prevent any unauthorized access to your data, we use the most modern coding techniques such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). SSL is a respected standard security protocol that guarantees the security of internet data exchange. The additional protection for credit card payments is provided by "Verified by Visa" and "MasterCard Secure Code".

What information do I receive after the payment?
After having completed your order online, you will automatically receive an email of acknowledgement confirming that we have correctly received your order.
Within 7 working days following your order, we send you a new email with a provisional delivery date.
When your product is ready, we will send you an email confirming the dispatch date accompanied by a detailed invoice.


Is it possible to deliver abroad?
Products ordered on our website are delivered only in Switzerland. For deliveries abroad, please contact us directly.

What are the shipping fees?
All prices include 7.7% VAT and delivery costs. Depending on the size and weight of the products ordered, it will be sent to you by post or transport company.

Can the delivery address be different from the billing address?
We will deliver your ordered products to the desired address as per the “Ship to” address supplied upon order. The electronic invoice will be sent to the billing address as supplied under “Bill to”.

When will be my articles delivered? / Is my product available?
Every light is a custom-made original and following your order it takes approximately 3 to 10 weeks to have your product produced and shipped, depending on the complexity of the production. Within 7 working days following your order, you will receive an email with a more precise delivery date. The exact date of delivery will be agreed with you directly when the product is ready to be dispatched.


Is it possible to see the products before purchase?
We are working on this.

Are the products installed?
We do not install the lights; the assembly instructions are included in every package upon delivery. Concerning the electric connection, we recommend that you ask an electrician to provide appropriate assistance. An installation service by the manufacturer is possible upon request (especially for heavy and large products). There would be an additional cost for this service.

How to install a chandelier?
Carefully unpack the chandelier from the carton and check the instructions. The chandeliers and other lights are shipped disassembled, which reduces the risk of damage during transport. Assembling the light is not difficult; all parts are clearly labelled and should be assembled in the alphabetic and then numeric order as shown in the Installations instructions.
The body of the chandeliers with arms is usually already assembled.
The ceiling cover of the chandelier should not be moved on the bar before unscrewing the security screw. This cover is used to hide the electrical connection. Only a person, who is approved to do such work, should connect the chandelier. 
Careful, installation should be done always while electricity is switched off.


How should I clean the chandelier?
A soft duster should be used for cleaning metal parts and glass components. The bowls should be washed in a detergent solution, rinsed and kept dry. You can also use a special cleaning liquid for crystal chandeliers. You spray all parts of chandelier and just leave it to dry out.
Careful, cleaning should be always done while electricity is switched off.

Can I install the chandelier in a bathroom or a wet environment?
Our lights are designed for dry environments. If you are not sure or would like to use a light in other environment, do not hesitate to contact us and we will advice you with the convenient light for you.


Where are your products manufactured?
All our lights are assembled and manufactured in the Czech Republic.

Do your lights comply with European standards?
All our lights comply with CSN EN 60 598-1/2005 and CSN 60 598-2-1/1997. They have received « CB test certificate » (Certificat d’essai OC) from IEC System for Mutual Recognition of test certificated for electrical equipment (IECEE) CB Scheme (Système CEI d’acceptation mutuelle de certificats d’essais des équipements électriques (IECEE) méthode OC (for ceiling lights: reference certificate no° CZ-1529-A1, for wall sconces: CZ-1523, for lamps: CZ-1552).

Can I change colours or other features on the selected light?
Any light may be customized. Metal finish and glass colours or trimmings may be changed. You can add the lampshades in the colour of your choice on top of the lights. Please have a look at our sample book and contact us directly.

Can the lead content in crystal cause health problems?
The potential health risk of lead content in crystal industry concerns only lead crystal glassware, not crystal lights, and is very rare nowadays. For your complete safety and to avoid any health issues, Cognac or Port should not be stored in crystal decanters. Crystal containers (decanters, glasses, pots) can be used on daily basis without any health risk.

Do you supply bulbs with your lights?
The lights are supplied without bulbs. Nevertheless we recommend you to use bulbs in accordance with the technical information as stated on the label and installation notice. All our products comply with the LED bulbs.

The standard sockets usually used are E14 for chandeliers, E27 for floor lamps or some chandeliers, G7 or GU 10 for modern lights. The wattage is defined in every installation notice. We recommend for sockets E14 bulbs with maximum of 40 W (for LED 400 lm), for E27 maximum of 60 W (for LED 700 lm).

What is the height of the chandelier and can I modify it?
Each light description includes information about dimensions (diameter and height of a light). In case of a chandelier with a chain or tube, the indicated height does not include the length of the chain or tube and canopy. Concerning flush mounts and modern lights, attached to the ceiling directly by a metal base, the height includes the distance from the metal plate to the lowest part. 
Our chandeliers contain a canopy and a chain of 3 to 5 links (every link measures approximately 4 cm), in total 15-20 cm long depending on the type of the chandelier.
The chain can be shortened up to the length of one link, which is necessary to join the hanger to the body of the chandelier.

What is the right distance between the bottom of a chandelier and floor?
In an open space, where we may walk under the light, the minimum distance between the bottom part of a chandelier and floor needs to be at least 195 cm, which is the approximate height of a standard doorframe. If the chandelier will hang over the table or a piano, it can be hung lower, about 170 cm above the floor.
With regard to the fact that the height of ceiling lights with chains does not include the length of the chain, the length of the chain and canopy must be added to the height of the chandelier. The height of a canopy with chain is between 15 and 20 cm depending on the size of the chandelier. In cases where the ceiling is not high enough, it is possible to shorten the chain. The chain can be shortened up to the length of one link, which is necessary for joining the hanger and the body of the chandelier together.

How to hang a chandelier?
When hanging the chandelier, the hook should be installed on the ceiling according to its specificity. For safety reasons, the load capacity of the ceiling needs to be twice the chandelier's weight.


What is the guarantee period?
We guarantee the products for twenty-four months starting on the day of product’s dispatch from the factory to the client. Any production defects will be repaired free of charge. The warranty does not cover any mechanical damage and is no longer valid if any modifications are made.

How do I proceed if the delivery arrives damaged?
If the packaging or product delivered by a transport company or by post looks damaged (torn, drenched, etc.), please examine the consignment in front of the carrier and immediately report it to him before signing a delivery note. Please refuse the products and sign a statement of claim with the carrier and take pictures of damaged parts in his presence. Don't let the carrier persuade you that the shipment was badly packed. We pack the chandeliers with great care! The service provider is obliged to give you a confirmation of damage. All damages caused by transport have to be announced immediately to our company. Damaged parts will be then replaced free of charge.

How do I proceed if I miss the first delivery attempt by a carrier?
If you fail to take over the product at the agreed date of delivery, the carrier will leave you a note with his contact information. Therefore you can arrange a second delivery date at no extra charge.
Other delivery attempts would incur additional shipping fees.


Can I return the product?
All products are custom-made originals and therefore are excluded from the right of return (but not claims based on the guarantee).
Exchanges due to products deemed unsuitable are not possible.

Kindly provide the invoice together with the warranty notice stamped by the producer.

Über uns

Wir laden Sie ein, die prunkvollen Kristallleuchter von « Le Cristal d’Adèle » zu entdecken, die in einem Glaserbläser Familienbetrieb Wranovsky im Norden Böhmens hergestellt werden, wo das Wissen und die Erfahrung um die Kunst der Glaserbläserei von Generation zu Generation weitervererbt werden.

every light is an original

Jeder Leuchter ist ein Original und Sie können Ihr eigenes erschaffen

Sie können aus unserem Standardangebot wählen, oder sich von unseren maßangefertigten Werken inspirieren lassen und Ihren Leuchter nach Ihren eigenen Wünschen persönlich gestalten.

Sie können aus einer breiten Auswahl an Glas, Behang und Lampenschirmen in verschiedenen Farben wählen. Teilen Sie uns bitte Ihre besonderen Wünsche mit, und wir werden unser Bestes tun, um es für Sie herzustellen.

Wir können Sie auch bei der Auswahl und dem Entwurf, des für Sie richtigen Leuchters unterstützen. Wir legen besonderen Wert auf einen persönlichen Umgang, um alle Kunden zufriedenzustellen.

Was Sie über uns wissen müssen

Dank einer traditionellen Handherstellung unterstützt von modernen Technologien und der Verwendung von hochwertigstem Glas, Kristall und Metallteilen höchster Qualität, schaffen wir wahre Meisterwerke.

Bitte nehmen Sie sich die Zeit, sich unser Dokument, dass die Herstellung unserer Kristallleuchter darstellt, durchzuschauen, indem Sie auf das Bild rechts klicken.

Die lange Tradition vom angesehenen Böhmischen Kristall

Die lange Tradition vom angesehenen Böhmischen Kristall

Böhmisches Glas steht für Qualität, Handwerkskunst, einzigartigen Stil und edle Schönheit. Böhmische Kristallleuchter brechen das Licht in ein Spektrum von funkelnden Farben, und je höher der Bleigehalt, desto mehr funkelt der Leuchter.

Böhmische Kristallleuchter waren ein Zeichen des Wohlstands und wurden so prestigeträchtig wie teurer Schmuck. Der Glanz Böhmischer Kristallleuchter unterstreicht die großartige Schönheit von Schlössern und Palästen; sie erleuchten Parlamente, Regierungssitze, Universitäten, Konzertsäle, Kathedralen, und Kirchen auf der ganzen Welt. Böhmische Kristallleuchter hängen zum Beispiel in der La Scala in Milan, im Teatro dell’Opera in Rom, im Spiegelsaal im Palast von Versailles, im Hermitage Museum in Sankt Petersburg und in der Residenz des Königs Ibn Saud in Riyadh.